Cringe Alert
The Two siblings Argument
Avetrine: Hey Brother, got any beer?
Ivan: Why would I have beer on me?
Avetrine: Cause when you walk - feels like you drunk.
Ivan: How- You have no proof.
Avetrine: Oh~ I will... :)
---------------------Middle of the night-----------------------------
-Ivan walking outside to drink a pond near their house-
Ivan: Alright -drinks the water from the pond-
-Ivan walks back drunkenly to home-
Avetrine: hehe.. -Scares Ivan out of the bushes-
Ivan: Ahhhh, why would you do that?
Avetrine: -Laughing- To see how big of a baby you are!!
Ivan: Ugh! you're annoying of a sibling -continues to walk drunkenly-
Avetrine: -Laughing- You ARE walking like a drunk person!!
Ivan: Shush - You scare people like a crazy maniac.
Avetrine: Come on, admit it - no need to be shy :)
Ivan: Fine. I admit it.
-Jerry the 3rd Giraffe comes out of nowhere-
Jerry: -Screams in front the siblings drunkenly- UGH!!!! Please kill me mu life is a struggle. My favorite color is Seven.
------------------------------------The End--------------------------------------
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